New User Registration Information

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New User Registration Information

Postby FastLizard4 » Wed Nov 11, 2015 5:02 am

Important note regarding email addresses: It seems that certain Internet Service Providers' email servers are, for some reason, rejecting the automated emails the forum sends to verify email addresses. Until this issue is resolved, please consider using an email address from one of the many free email services, such as Gmail and Yahoo, for registering with the forum. Please also remember to check your Spam folder for the registration verification email. If you don't receive your registration verification email within an hour or two of submitting your user registration, please contact the forum staff by sending an email directly to us - click here to solve a CAPTCHA and view the email address.

Welcome to Ladies On Two Wheels! This post will explain the registration system we have set up, and is intended for users seeking to join the forum.

All new user registrations require a valid email address and approval by a forum administrator before the account becomes active. Email address verification is done by a confirmation link emailed to the address given at registration; once verified, your account will be listed for approval by the forum administrators. Note that after verifying your email address you will be able to log in; however, until administrative approval is given, you will only have the restricted permissions of an anonymous user (i.e., you will still not be able to post, view user profiles, or send private messages until an administrator manually approves your account).

As is hopefully obvious by the forum name, this is a site intended for female motorcycle riders (passengers, learners, and experienced riders alike). As such, though we do welcome (and have) male members, male members that wish to register will need the referral of an active female member in good community standing. To this end, among the information we ask for during the registration process is your gender and the name of the user who referred you. We kindly ask that you answer the gender question truthfully, with a reminder that falsifying this field is grounds for an immediate and permanent ban from the forums. For female users, the name of the referring user is optional; for male users, it is mandatory, and male applicants who fail to provide it will have their accounts deleted without being activated. Note also that, for male users, referrals will be confirmed with the listed user before the account is considered for approval.

Beyond this, we ask all users seeking an account to indicate their motorcycling skill level and provide a biography of sorts - specifically, about your relationship with the world of motorcycles. We also optionally allow prospective users to tell us about themselves in other ways, such as occupation and other hobbies and interests. Filling out this information helps us administrators filter out the real users from the spammers, so please at least fill out the required fields as completely as you feel comfortable doing! The information you give on registration will also be visible to other registered users in your profile (but not anonymous users), and some more profile fields are available once your account is created. Of course, after your account is created, you can update all this information as desired in your User Control Panel.

Finally, once you've opened the link in the email to activate your account, check the New Members Welcome forum - when your account is approved, we'll make a post there to welcome you!

If you have any questions about this or the registration process, please contact the forum staff by either using the contact form, or by sending an email directly to us - click here to solve a CAPTCHA and view the email address. Thanks, and again, welcome!
FastLizard4 (website|twitter)
Forum staff / server administrator
2014 Ninja EX300B SE ABS ("Anna")
Semper exploro

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