SoCal Track Days - Chuckwalla (Desert Center, CA)

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SoCal Track Days - Chuckwalla (Desert Center, CA)

Postby trackaddict » Wed Dec 23, 2015 2:57 am

My first track day provider review! =D I'm going to try to get them all up here eventually for you West Coast women.

I've ridden with SoCal Track Days a few different times now. The owners of Chuckwalla Valley Raceway also own this track day organization. It is one of my favorites!!!

The most important thing to know is that this org is NOT for brand-new riders. They specifically are formulated around A & B group riders, and most definitely not first-timers. The reason for this is that they run an open track day -- no sessions. You get on and off whenever you like. I think this sounds intimidating at first -- it was to me. And then I realized some important things. 1. The super fast racers like to ride with each other, so you can plan your sessions by watching them get on and off track, and 2. it is SO RELAXING and FUN to go out for as long as you want, as many times as you want. I got so tired on my last day that I was doing 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off for the whole afternoon until I just started riding like a foolio and took myself off track.

I believe that the atmosphere is created by Mickey, the track owner, who also does the morning meeting. He stresses being safe and passing nicely. People really respect him and act accordingly. There were zero crashes that weekend. Considering the mornings were in the low 40s and there was a giant sandstorm with massive wind gusts, that is really impressive. I also put extra effort into following his rules... others did, so I did too. Plus, he is quite serious about blackballing people from the entire state of CA if they egregiously break the rules. It works.

The behaviors on track are mostly really great. There are a few bad apples at any track day, but I've found that those behaviors come from the non-racers and less experienced track riders. I have been on track with AMA racers and they pass so smoothly and nicely - they also are quite inspiring and beautiful to watch. I did have a guy hit me once (of note, there is something like 40-50 feet of spare track... so it's not really easy to hit someone), told them what he looked like, and they located him and he was brought over to me by the ear for an apology. Their corner workers are watchful and good. And I like them as humans - I enjoy riding with them and hanging out. The only truly bad riders out there were last weekend - and they were all STAR School (Jason Pridmore's school) "coaches". They were horrid. I tried not to be on track at the same time, and when I was test riding a 250 on track, I got off because I felt too at-risk because of their behavior. They've never been on track with us before, and I suspect they only were because they had a school the following Monday, but I was disappointed that there were no formal corrections taken for their bad behaviors.

Anyway - big thumbs up for SoCal Track Days (and Chuckwalla Raceway in general).
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Re: SoCal Track Days - Chuckwalla (Desert Center, CA)

Postby Vixen » Wed Dec 23, 2015 3:28 pm

For the ladies in the East and North (Canada).

Sportbike Track Time is an organization that I would highly recommend. They run a North and South division. Outstanding group with serious rules. I've seen a few people lose the sticker to ride and/or banned from STT completely.

STT hosts track functions at:
Barber, Grattan, NOLA, Talladega Gran Prix, Carolina Motorsports, Autobahn, NCM, Road America, Gingerman, Blackhawk Farms, Punam Park, Road Atlanta and JenningsGP

They run 3 groups, Novice, Intermediate, Advanced. In Novice they have now separated group to include Novice Veteran and Novice. The coaching for first time riders on track in Novice is outstanding, with full class room sessions. Also each group has a coach for the whole day. In Intermediate, there are several coaches and all you do is ask for assistance and you will have them for at least 1/2 a day to yourself. Otherwise you a free to ride the track

They are very, very clear about passing in their groups

Pro6 - Ontario, Canada - They are the lead provider at Calabogie.
Calabogie, Mosport, Shannonville

They run 3 groups Novice, Intermediate, Advanced. Rules are very specific regarding passing. They have 2 guided sessions in the morning for Novice group. Thereafter you can ask for help. Only about 3 coaches for that group. Calabogie is a very difficult track, in fact, one of the most technical track in North America. I wouldn't recommend it for someone new to track

So there you have it. I haven't ridden with any other organizations yet, but will let you know if I do :)
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Re: SoCal Track Days - Chuckwalla (Desert Center, CA)

Postby Vixen » Wed Dec 23, 2015 3:36 pm

FORGOT to mention ... STT does 2 Ladies Day track events. They call it Sportbike Track Girl.

July 2nd, 2016 - Grattan Raceway
September 5th - Talladega Gran Prix

Both are amazing events. They run 3 groups. More coaches than you can possibly ask for and you have then all day long. I would highly recommend these events for new to track riders as well.
Last edited by Vixen on Thu Dec 31, 2015 1:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: SoCal Track Days - Chuckwalla (Desert Center, CA)

Postby VStar » Thu Dec 24, 2015 11:30 am

I like 'foolio', definitely hijacking that for my vocabulary.
I've been there before. Can I get there, again?
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Re: SoCal Track Days - Chuckwalla (Desert Center, CA)

Postby trackaddict » Tue Feb 02, 2016 1:47 am

I'll just add to my review... Chuckwalla has its share of weather issues. Mostly GIANT un-rideable last-minute sandstorms where you are shaking out sand from your ears for days. Saturday was lovely, then Sunday... WHAM! Total whiteout -- with sand. Pelting. Just the WORST. So I got about 5 laps in for my $250, rear sliding all over before I called it quits. Left by noon. What annoys me about SoCalTrackDays is that it is a total crapshoot -- they do NOT give you credit for a new day. The conditions they let you ride through are ridiculous. And yet, I love their no-sessions format and I will keep doing it... but I'm getting gun-shy. And all that said, Saturday was gorgeous and there was only one crash. That says a lot about the quality when they actually have decent weather.

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