Forgotten Turn signal

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Mamaw Suze
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Forgotten Turn signal

Postby Mamaw Suze » Sat Sep 03, 2016 12:26 am

I really, really try and remember to turn my turn signals off after I turn but now and then I have a brain fart. Today it almost caused me great pain. I had been running errands in town and had made many back to back turns when a car pulled out right in front of me. All that ermergency stop practice paid off!!! In the blink of an eye I managed to lock up both brakes, stay in a straight line, stop upright and miss the car. He didn't even slow down he just yelled out his window"Your turn signal's on dumbass!" Of course - it was. He should have noticed I wasn't slowing down to turn since I was entering the intersection but it was still my fault. It was waaaay to close for comfort!!!!

I'd really like to hook up little lights to my rear view mirrors and connect them to my turn signals. My mirrors are fairly tall and I can see the mirrors without tilting my head down so I would always see the lights. Something I need to investigate. I'm sure it can be done. The wires could be hidden with shrink tubing and I'm sure I could find a way to attach them to the mirror. I'm not a fast thinker but I'll let you know what I come up with. Self canceling turn signals would be nice but there are some circumstances even that wouldn't work. I don't mind turning them off myself I just need a reminder!

Check your turn signals!!!!
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Re: Forgotten Turn signal

Postby HarleyRdr » Sun Sep 04, 2016 8:44 pm

Important reminder! So very glad you're okay. I had a similar situation a couple of years ago, the car stopped in time and it wasn't until later that I realized my turn signals were on!!! If you have more than one bike and one of them automatically turns the signals off then you need to be extra vigilant on the bike that doesn't turn them off. Especially if you don't ride that bike that often. That is my case and now I remind my self every time to check. Well, almost every time, I have caught myself riding along with the signals still going.
Mamaw Suze
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Re: Forgotten Turn signal

Postby Mamaw Suze » Mon Sep 05, 2016 11:39 pm

I'm not taking that chance again. I ordered a turn signal beeper from Glen's vtx garage. It has a 100 decibel beeper that sounds while your signal is on except when your brake light is on so its quiet while sitting at intersections. When you release the brake it starts back up. The only issue I've heard about it is it's too loud but putting a piece of tape on it helps tone it down.
I know there are many ways to remember but brain farts happen. That's why there are accidents. Gene will rest easier once it's installed and so will I. I would get so aggravated with myself when I'd forget.
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Re: Forgotten Turn signal

Postby HarleyRdr » Thu Sep 08, 2016 1:47 pm

Good for you! Anything we can do to be safe is a good call.
Mamaw Suze
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Re: Forgotten Turn signal

Postby Mamaw Suze » Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:47 pm

It came today. Once I get it installed I'll let you all know how it works
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Re: Forgotten Turn signal

Postby LionLady » Sun Sep 25, 2016 2:48 pm

I had the same problem when I started riding, then a more seasoned rider mentioned this "habit" - at the first shift after completing a turn, he hits his signal cancel button. I started doing that, and even though my two more recent bikes have had self cancelling signals, I still do it.

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