Clearwater Lights, P3 lights and Photon Blasters

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Clearwater Lights, P3 lights and Photon Blasters

Postby LionLady » Sun Feb 12, 2017 8:22 pm

My electrical engineer hubby installed my SKene Designs P3 lights and Photon Blasters last fall. Awesome visibility and deterrent for left turners (Photon Blasters) and extra visibility from behind for stopping/turning (P3's). They're super bright LED's that seem to flicker or glimmer when seen in your peripheral vision, causing folks to automatically turn their head and LOOK for the source of the movement.

I just ordered/received my Clearwater Darla lights a week or so ago, but the outside temps were too cold for garage work, even with the propane heater (cause doors must be propped open for ventilation). He's out there now, with "Grace" on the lift installing the lights. He's already wired in the fuse block and heavy duty ground for the relay. Next challenge is finding a place to put the Nautilus Stebel Compact horn. There really isn't a lot of room up front that won't interfere with turning or the suspension. I may end up just sticking with the stock horn - I must admit the Nautilus is about 70% entertainment anyway.

I haven't figured out how to post pictures - mine are always too big.
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Re: Clearwater Lights, P3 lights and Photon Blasters

Postby CountryCruzr » Sun Feb 12, 2017 8:40 pm

Pictures would be nice. Have to use a photo editor that allows you to resize to 400 x 600 or less. I use PhotoBucket , allows upload and image linking. Always interested in improvements over stock parts
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Re: Clearwater Lights, P3 lights and Photon Blasters

Postby LionLady » Sun Feb 12, 2017 9:12 pm

Photo of Grace with my one piece Olympia Stealth suit drapped over the seat and the "shower cap" on my tank bag. Was waiting for hubby to join me so we could head on to a gathering in Ohio. You may be able to see the Photon Blasters on the front wheel: A long black rectangle just above the axel/hub.

Finally figured out how to edit a photo again. The lights are on, but the bike is still disassembled. Will take/post pics once its buttoned up.
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Re: Clearwater Lights, P3 lights and Photon Blasters

Postby CountryCruzr » Mon Feb 20, 2017 10:20 pm

Love the picture! I think I see what you are describing. Would look cool in dark light conditions once complete!
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