Solo from Indiana to Colorado

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Mamaw Suze
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Solo from Indiana to Colorado

Postby Mamaw Suze » Mon Aug 01, 2016 2:27 am

Well I made it to Colorado! The trip was fantastic but not near long enough. I left on Sunday July 17th and had a perfect but HOT ride. I crossed the Ohio River into KY at Cairo, IL. and was tempted to turn around and cross back over then cross the Mississippi River into MO but stuck to my plan... Cross the Miss the next day.
I rode on into KY to Columbus/Belmont state park and set up camp. It was a beautiful campsite overlooking the Mississippi River but still hot and I didn't fall asleep until sometime after 1 in the morning. I slept well once it cooled off and woke to another beautiful day.

From the beginning of my trip I found that seeing an "older" woman on a motorcycle packed for travel made every"older" man and even some women want to tell me of every motorcycle they ever owned. The men liked to recount every trip they took on a 250cc bike. The campground was no different. There were many retired couples in campers there and they all had stories. I sometimes wish I had written them down but I just wanted to enjoy things as they happened and as I heard them. As I was leaving I saw a group of men standing around talking to the campground host so I stopped and asked " Is this the "liars"club?" That got a big laugh and they sent me on my way with good wishes and safety reminders.

That was my first 24 hours. I didn't keep track of each day's mileage I just enjoyed the time.
More tomorrow...
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Re: Solo from Indiana to Colorado

Postby Rogue » Mon Aug 01, 2016 6:30 pm

Eagerly anticipating each installment!
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Re: Solo from Indiana to Colorado

Postby Mamaw Suze » Tue Aug 02, 2016 2:23 am

Day 2 promised to be as beautiful as day 1. I made my way to the ferry at Hickman to cross the Mississippi into the booth heel of Missouri. I explored the town of Hickman while waiting for the ferry. I love the little river towns and it saddens me to see them dying. Cairo is always a shock. One would think a town at the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers would be hopping... not the case. I guess I'm living in the past.

The ferry ride was about 20 minutes and I had a nice visit with the tanker driver on board. His route takes him across 2-4 times s day and he said he never tires of the ride I don't think I would either.

After landing I followed the tanker to town hoping to make it to a gas station soon. I was running on fumes. The sherpa doesn't have a fuel gauge and I obviously wasn't paying close attention to mileage. I cruised into town with about 0.1 gal left. Whew! I'm not doing that again! Another loooong fuel stop because there was a story waiting as usual. The stories and tellers are always interesting and I have to listen. After all that's part of the magic right? Along with the stories I have to listen to all the Fatherly or brotherly advice which actually warms my heart that complete strangers are concerned about me. I am a lucky lady. At the advice of the current story teller I go down the block to the deli in the grocery for lunch. I haven't gone many miles that day but listening works up a hunger. When I pull in and park there's a lady with a few years on me who is admiring my bike... More stories... She actually used to ride but quit due to health reasons She still has her bike and like to sit and reminisce with it. I got my lunch and sat in the parking lot eating and listening to her stories and more travel advice and good wishes.

One good thing about visiting-it gave me plenty of time to hydrate. The heat was oppressive. I had my LD Comforts on which I was continually wetting down. People notice a woman traveling on a bike and they REALLY notice when she's pouring water down her shirt and in her pants!! As hot as it was I think they understood.

I finally got out of town and headed west to Arkansas. The next gas stop there was no one at the pumps so I got my gas, sucked down some water and took off without removing my helmet. Down the road I get held up in construction so I stopped at a MickeyD's for ice cream and water. The ice cream machine was down so I picked an ice coffee but when I went to pay... No wallet! Evidently I dropped it when putting it away and since I didn't take off my helmet I didn't see it. I admit it I had a bit of a melt down. No ice cream, no wallet so no credit cards and $27.00 stashed in various pockets. Of course no drivers license either so that eliminated getting money thru western union. The young man at the register bought my drink and I sat and did my best not to cry(God I hate it when I cry). As long as I didn't talk I was ok but if I had to talk that would have finished me. Thankfully everyone texts nowdays. I finally pulled myself up by my bootstraps and started figuring my way out of this predicament. Idiscover gave me the number of the last place I used my card and I called but no luck. Credit cards were cancelled, cash recounted, found a hotel a couple hours down the road Gene could pay for over the phone. I was NOT ready to quit for the day. I needed to pull it together, get my head right and ride! I was surprised it was so hard to reserve and pay for a room over the phone. I bet if he reserved it and didn't show they'd charge him but let me show up without a license that matched the card and I can't stay but he'd still have to pay. Crazy! Again I guess I'm living in the past. Mom and Pops are the best way to go. The motel I found was only 8 units but it was very clean and the owners were awesome.

Well I'm as far as Hardy Arkansas and tired so I'll end day 2 now. More tomorrow...
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Re: Solo from Indiana to Colorado

Postby CountryCruzr » Wed Aug 03, 2016 2:43 am

Sorry Mamaw Suze about your wallet. :cry: Losing your ID and credit card would be a very unnerving experience specially away from home! Quick thinking to back trace and then cancel the cards. Hind sight is always 20/20. - - - I had read about a gal last year who lost her wallet while still in the states riding back to Canada. In her case she kept her passport and photo id separate from money and credit card. Thankfully she wasn't traveling alone and only had a couple more days to travel to get home. Several weeks later someone found it and made the effort to return it to her. So on my recent trip out west I hid another credit card, cash and a bank check in addition to separating ID. Plus I forced myself to stick to a simple routine specially at the pumps. My seasoned riding partner got out of synch at the pump and left her gas cap on top of her strapped down bags after filling up. She went about 15 feet slowly turned her head toward me at about which time I heard a snap, crackle pop as a pick up truck crushed her gas cap as it pulled away. Where are you now with your trip?
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Re: Solo from Indiana to Colorado

Postby Mamaw Suze » Wed Aug 03, 2016 4:41 am

I'm home safe and sound but meanwhile back at the ranch on day 3. For supper on day 2 I had trail mix and water. Fortunately I brought a big bag with me so I knew I wouldn't starve and I had water bottles I could refill so I was good. I wasnt totally destitute because I did have family coming west behind me but not for a few days.

I slept well then enjoyed the complimentary breakfast while visiting with the owner and hearing her stories. I was still working on logistics for the rest of the trip so I wasn't in a hurry to leave. A couple came in and joined me at breakfast and wanted to hear about my trip. After awhile the owner mentioned my lost wallet. We bounced around different ideas to solve my problem but the missing ID was a problem. When they left I started packing up to hit the road. Before I could finish they stopped back and gave me $60.00. I was shocked! I tried to refuse but she insisted "in case you break down". I was so grateful I almost cried. There ARE good people out there. I promised to pay them back but they said to pay it forward. Believe me I will!!!
I finally got on the road and the ride was glorious! The scenery, the curves, the people... I am so blessed to have this opportunity.

I decided to splurge for a late lunch at a gas station and as usual chatted with the customers and clerk. Turned out the clerk was from Indiana and had lived within 20 miles or so from me at one point. I asked her what brought her to Arkansas and she told me her last name. I had just gone through a town by that name! She said they brought her father-in-law back to live with family and decided they liked it so they stayed. Small world.
I made it to Locust Grove OK and started looking for a motel again. I had planned to camp in state parks but it was sooo hot I kept that option as a last resort. My new credit card came in the mail so Gene sent me all the info and a picture of a copy of my license I had made for a different trip. I stood at the desk in the motel and activated the card and showed her the picture of my license on my phone. It worked! More trail mix for supper -I had already splurged once and I wasn't spending my cash on anything but gas. A good nights rest and I'd be ready for day 4. More tomorrow...
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Re: Solo from Indiana to Colorado

Postby Mamaw Suze » Wed Aug 03, 2016 4:50 am

CountryCruzr what did your riding partner do about her gas cap? I have done a few solo trips and considering all my pre planning I never considered losing my wallet. A real head slapper. Like you said hindsight is 20/20. You can bet I won't make that mistake again. What worries me is what new mistake will I make?!
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Re: Solo from Indiana to Colorado

Postby CountryCruzr » Wed Aug 03, 2016 12:34 pm

So great to see you Made it home Mamaw Suze! There are usually work-a-rounds after the dust settles! Yes, I agree there are still good people out there!! How awesome of that couple to give you some cash! Looks like you appear to be on your way again! Will be looking forward to more posts about your trip.

. . . As for my riding partner. I suggested she see if the convenient store had duck tape. They did. (Neither she or I brought any with us. I'll be taking a small roll with me the next time, :lol: ) She was able to salvage the top chrome piece that survived and duck taped it over the fill hole. It happened in Arkansas en route to Oklahoma City where we planned to overnight. We called late afternoon when we got a room and the Indian shop indicated they had one. The following morning she got her new gas cap . . .
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Re: Solo from Indiana to Colorado

Postby Mamaw Suze » Thu Aug 04, 2016 3:40 am

Day 4: A big breakfast at the hotel. Considering this one cost almost 1 1/2 times the first one the only thing better was the variety of food offered a breakfast. I did meet several interesting people though. There was a young construction worker staying there that was really pumped about my bike and my trip. He had raced mx when he was "younger". Got a kick out of the "old" lady(my word not his) traveling on a 250. A little later in the day I met another Hoosier. She was also formerly Amish. That was a very interesting conversation. Some conversations are hard because I'm really curious but don't want to be nosy so I just try and actively listen.

Since I'm traveling on 2 lane highways (basically hwy 412) I stop at some really small gas stations which actually works out great because I think people are friendlier and I get to talk and listen a LOT. I was visiting with Freda and she wanted to hear all about my trip. I told her all the fun stuff then she asked about the not so fun stuff I had to deal with. I told her the heat was absolutely the worst but that I had also lost my wallet but had everything dealt with and was managing just fine and getting close to my destination. She handed me 100.00. I tried to refuse because I was doing pretty good at that point. She insisted in case I broke down. She just ask that I send her a good check when I got home to pay her back. I sat down and sent Gene the info and he sent her a check that day. She probably got it within a day a me arriving in CO.

My last night on the road was in Guymon,OK. Again a mom and pop motel and cheap and clean but no breakfast.

Day 5 was long but I pulled into camp with $5.67 to spare not counting the $100.00 from Freda. By the time I met Freda it had become a challenge. I was determined to make it without further help. Don came across Kansas and would have dropped down into OK to help but as long as Rocky was running well (he was) I was finishing on my own! Don arrived the day before I did, Gene rolled into camp the next day then my brother and family the day after that. Whew what a trip!

I'll tell you about my CO riding tomorrow...
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Re: Solo from Indiana to Colorado

Postby VStar » Sat Aug 06, 2016 2:57 pm

You are very determined and resourceful, a hard combination to beat. Plus female. Good on you. I'm enjoying your trip.
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Re: Solo from Indiana to Colorado

Postby magpie » Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:07 pm

You are determined! I can't believe you lost your wallet - argh!

Do you have pictures that we can see at some point?

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