Wearable ID or Med Alerts

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Wearable ID or Med Alerts

Postby CountryCruzr » Wed Aug 03, 2016 3:01 am

I'm passing this link along. It was shared with me before my long trip. There are various makers of wearable ID products maybe others can share their experience with. I wear the Velcro band And it has held up well, has enough room to get two contact phone numbers and more https://www.roadid.com
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Re: Wearable ID or Med Alerts

Postby LionLady » Mon Dec 19, 2016 8:29 pm

THIS!! Wear an ID. A friend was in a horrible bike accident (life flight involved), and it was several hours before her family was notified because she wasn't wearing any such ID. Her bike and bags were strewn around in the crash, so it wasn't feasable to search in her stuff, not knowing where to look. RoadID is awesome. Rescue personell automatcially look at wrist and around neck for Medical Alert tags, so a Road ID is easily found. I upgraded to the online version, so I don't have to get a new ID if anything changes.
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Re: Wearable ID or Med Alerts

Postby CountryCruzr » Sun Jan 08, 2017 10:08 pm

Thanks for responding LionLady. It made sense to me when I first saw the Road ID to wear one or something like it.
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