Custom Leathers - Brands, Quality

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Custom Leathers - Brands, Quality

Postby trackaddict » Sat Jul 09, 2016 2:35 am

I'm again on the hunt for new leathers for the racetrack. I'll start with: NEVER EVER BUY HAZARDOUS RACING LEATHERS. Mine are falling apart, the shoulder fell off in Czech Republic and I had to duct tape it back on, and I cannot move in them. I am a lot slower since I got them because I just can't move. If you ever consider them, please PM me and we'll have a chat about all the things that went wrong.

So onward! My initial plan was to get ACT Racing leathers because everyone on the west coast is riding in them and they rave about them. So three of us were planning to design ACT suits and do it together. I emailed the company for patterns that we could use to figure out our design and colors, and he said several disappointing things. One, no template for women; two, kangaroo (for them) isn't as good and costs more; and three, they have trouble fitting women and have had complaints. Well, crap. Then a track day woman friend IM'd me and said not to go with ACT because they don't fit right and hers are falling apart. Now what?

I wanted to go local, to have the company nearby to re-measure me and make sure it all came out ok. Pilot refuses to make leathers for women now, and does not have a women's pattern. According to my friend, Pilot has turned down several women racers altogether and others have been blatantly overcharged. Two racers she knows had their suits screwed up by Pilot. That said, I also know that Pilot makes their suits in the same Pakistani plant as Hazardous, so that's out.

Then I looked at NJK. Same story as Pilot re not making them for women.
Then I looked a Zooni... no women's pattern.
Another LOTW member swears by her custom Spidi as the best she's ever ridden in, but their site says women's are "coming soon" and their design is quite limited. I need neon orange. I just do. But I really don't feel like I should have to chase down a manufacturer to get a suit. That puts me in a powerless position. I'm at their mercy if they are "doing me a favor."

Then I looked at Vanson. They've been around forever and people swear by their gear. They have a women's pattern! They look really stiff and don't have a lot of Kevlar and accordion spots for movement, but I was willing to suffer through.

Then I recalled a TWF post about Heroic Racing leathers, so I checked them out. WOW! They can do anything! They specifically mention wanting to make gear for women, and it turns out that is how he actually got started. Winning! They have a women's pattern that looks VERY different from the men's, meaning someone really thought this out and considered women's non-male bodies. They also have grippers on the inside of the knees for the tank (since I lost my footing twice in Brno in corners... I'm in love with this idea). Women's hip accordions for movement are more arc-shaped and come higher than men's. Women's have stretch panels down the whole front because we change sizes every week (for me, I consider it a "go" to drink more beer.... haha). And special darting/sizing for the chest to accommodate all sizes, so the lower part isn't giant. Even better -- Heroic has a very special process for their kangaroo to make it stronger and thicker than other brands, so it doesn't die after one crash, and it's what they recommend now. So much lighter!! AND, I just so happen to be in NYC next week, so the owner agreed to meet me before my work to double-check my measurements and wants to talk about the design. He seems really stoked to invent something cool instead of working off a template. Amazing.

So, the jury is out. I'll report back once I get to feel these leathers and gloves, and again when I get the suit. But I'm pretty excited about this and I think it's really going to work out.
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Re: Custom Leathers - Brands, Quality

Postby VStar » Sat Jul 16, 2016 1:23 am

TA, I really hope Heroic come through for you. Your excitement is contagious.
I've been there before. Can I get there, again?
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Re: Custom Leathers - Brands, Quality

Postby trackaddict » Sat Aug 27, 2016 2:20 am

So we went with full kangaroo and custom gloves. What if, just what if, I can ride with out giant blisters on my palms?? Skies will part.
The owner went to town and created a really cool design for both, based on my love of Star Wars. We had to change the Boba Fett colors to match my bike (which is neon orange and neon yellow), but we still kept some of the Fett colors. I can't wait to get this!!!!!! (and oh so hope it fits!!!)


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