Impact Safe-T Armor - Made for Women

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Impact Safe-T Armor - Made for Women

Postby trackaddict » Wed Dec 23, 2015 1:50 am

Since very little armor is custom or really made to fit women comfortably, I wanted to add my review of Impact Armor. I discovered it after I went on a rant to RoadRacing World about the dearth of women's chest armor and armor brands' failure to actually test and report on the viability of their armor. The owner contacted me and I've been a huge fan ever since.

1. He makes standard women's sizes in hip, chest, back, elbow, and knee armor, but will also custom-make any for you. I have custom hip and chest armor, and my BF has custom chest & back. It FITS!
2. It is the thinnest profile out there.
3. Once it warms up (I lay it in the sun for 30 minutes in the morning before a track day), it conforms to you and you forget it exists.
4. My several crash tests with it left me with zero bruises. Pretty amazing.
5. I do think it makes me a tad warmer than a suit with zero chest armor, but if I ever unluckily end up in a situation where I need it, I know it was worth the extra heat.
6. It's TESTED!!!! Actually tested. And, it has a special design to not only absorb the initial hard hit, but also to disburse the remaining impact as you slide. Pretty clever.

It's worth the wait (mine took 3 months), and worth every penny.

7. Go get some. ;)

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