Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate

Everyone makes mistakes, but it's important to learn from them - this forum is for stories of things that went wrong, and what you learned from the experience
Mamaw Suze
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Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate

Postby Mamaw Suze » Fri Jul 22, 2016 6:17 pm

My brother came up one day to practice dirt before we left for Colorado. Since he's new to dirt ( like I'm an old hand?) he wanted to follow. It was hot but we weren't planning a long ride plus we were going to be in the river bottoms right near the house so I didn't even think of taking water. Sometimes I'm amazed at my own stupidity. I know better!!!!
We rode quite a while then I let him lead. Well we went thru some pretty tall weeds and after a stop when I went to take off I caught my foot it some bindweed (nasty stuff for you city slickers) and down I went. I picked Rocky up and took off. We were riding between the cornfield and woods in mud Did I forget to mention we had had a LOT of rain 2 days before? I caught up, got stuck in mud and went down AGAIN. Again I picked up Rocky by myself pooh poohing my brothers help. I need to do this! Well it wasn't long and I went down AGAIN!!! I'm starting to get really overheated by now. This time I accepted help and had to hit the woods for more shade. I was really starting to feel crappy. 2miles from home... I can get there. Off we go and BAM. I'm down again. I won't mention the words that came out of my mouth but they weren't very nice. I could hardly take two steps by that point so I got on the back ofDusty (good old Dusty)and he got my closer to the real road, left me sitting on the levee and went for water and good neighbor Don. They came back, I got hydrated and cooled off and we figured out why I kept going down. Remember me talking about getting a high fender? Well there was so much mud under the stock low front fender my wheel wouldn't move. Of course the reason I couldn't figure that out before was I was dehydrated.
What I learned... Water - don't leave home without it! Especially if you're anything like me ... A 10 minute ride can easily turn into 4 hours
Have fun, ride safe, and hydrate hydrate hydrate!!!
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Re: Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate

Postby LionLady » Fri Jul 22, 2016 10:57 pm

Glad you were near home for your adventure, and that it wasn't worse.

On the range, I'm always hollering to the students as we take a break, on hot days: "Get some water! Dehydration will make you stupid!" ...and I wear a Camelbak because otherwise I FORGET, to drink water, myself.
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Re: Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate

Postby trackaddict » Mon Jul 25, 2016 4:09 pm

Coconut water or a Zipfizz (tons of potassium) in a giant water bottle once an hour. It's amazing how fast dehydration can sneak up on you and make you weak. I spent one morning curled up in a ball underneath the California Superbike School semi truck instead of riding on track a few years back. Lesson learned! That - and getting some really quality base layers that are cooling (I use VnM Sport) has helped tremendously and I've never had a problem again.

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